Ellen S. Friedland, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Emeritus Bacon Hall 303AOffice: (716) 878-5617
Email: friedles@buffalostate.edu
- Ph.D. Reading Education, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
- M.Ed. Reading Specialist Program, State University of New York at Buffalo, NY
- B.A. English, State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, NY
- Recognized at the Buffalo State College Honors Convocation
- Recognized by Buffalo State College for Exemplary Service, Discretionary Award
- Recognized at the Buffalo State College Athlete Scholar Awards
- EDU 416: Teaching Literacy in the Middle and Secondary School
- EDU 609: Literacy Instruction in the Upper Grades
- Adolescent literacy
- Disciplinary literacy
- Associate Chair (Previously titled Assistant Chair) for Graduate Programs. (2002-present). Elementary Education and Reading Department, SUNY Buffalo State
- Open SUNY Workgroup (2015-present). SUNY Buffalo State
- Recruitment Committee (2014-present). Elementary Education and Reading Department, SUNY Buffalo State
- Chair, Graduate Admissions Committee (2002 - present). Elementary Education and Reading Department, SUNY Buffalo State
- Curriculum Committee (2002 - present). Elementary Education and Reading Department, SUNY Buffalo State
- McMillen, S, Friedland, E., and del Prado Hill, P. Integrating Math across the K-6 Curriculum (online book in press— National Council Teachers of Mathematics)
- del Prado Hill, P., Friedland, E., & Phelps, S. (2012). How preservice teachers’ perceptions of urban students are influenced by field experiences: A review of the literature. Action in Teacher Education, 34, 77-96.
- Friedland, E., del Prado Hill, P., & McMillen, S. (2011). Collaborating to cross the math-literacy divide: An annotated bibliography of literacy strategies for mathematics classrooms. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 55, 57-66.
- Friedland, E., McMillen, S., & del Prado Hill, P. (2010-11). Moving beyond the word wall: How middle school teachers use literacy strategies. NCSM Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership, 13(1), 6-18.
- McMillen, S. E., del Prado Hill, P. & Friedland, E. S. (2010). Literacy strategies in mathematics instruction: A look at New York State classrooms. New York State Mathematics Teachers Journal, 60(3), 101-103, 110.
- del Prado Hill, P., Phelps, S., & Friedland, E. (2007). Preservice teachers’ perceptions of teaching in an urban middle school setting: Lessons from the Amistad. Multicultural Education, 15, 33-37.