The Christmann Family Educational Leadership Program

About the Program

The Christmann Family Educational Leadership Program is a post-master’s program that provides the opportunity to pursue building and district leadership roles in education. The program prepares you for the rigors of educational leadership and the challenges of working with faculty, staff, students, parents, and the community. You will be taught by a faculty of practitioners who are currently in or have been in leadership positions.

This predominantly face-to-face program has a practical focus that will expose you to a variety of topics and situations found in leadership. The faculty will guide you in reaching your leadership goals and continue to mentor and provide support when you successfully obtain a leadership position.

EDL Student Handbook | Fall 2023 (PDF)

Program Descriptions

Ed. Leadership - C.A.S.

Ed. Combined School Building Leader/School District Leader, C.A.S.

School District Business Leader, C.A.S

Aspiring Superintendents Leadership Lab

Where Are They Now?

Sara Qureshi
Sara Qureshi

Current Position: District Instructional Data Coordinator, Lockport City School District

Denise Grandits
Denise Grandits

Current Position: Assistant Principal, Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda Union Free School District

Sue Wilson
Sue Wilson

Current Position: Assistant Principal at Union Pleasant Elementary School, Hamburg Central School District

Program Features


Included in the components of the Educational Leadership program is the assignment of a mentor to each candidate upon entrance to the program. The mentors are veteran school administrators who have many years of experience as a principal, central office administrator, or superintendent. They provide aspiring educational leaders with support, encouragement, guidance, decision making skills, "critical friends," and courageous
leadership opportunities.

Franklin Covey Workshops

The Franklin Covey organization has long earned its accolades for helping all levels of organizations with its “Lead Myself, Lead My Team, Lead the Organization,” system of personal empowerment. Candidates will experience classes that help them develop in two essential areas. Character – one's ability for personal and interpersonal effectiveness and Capabilities – one's ability to achieve sustainable results.

Creative Studies

Buffalo State's Creative Studies program gives students the skills to excel in any job that requires creative thinking, problem-solving, and creative leadership.