Childhood Education Initial Teaching Certification, M.S.Ed.
This teacher residency program allows eligible graduate students to become certified in Childhood Education for grades 1-6 in New York State.
This teacher residency program allows eligible graduate students to become certified in Childhood Education for grades 1-6 in NYS. In year one, course sequences are parallel. In year two, Teacher Residents engage in a full residency track. Rather than the standard 150 hours field experiences + 100 hours student teaching, Residents enjoy 1000 hours of experience in graduated difficulty from fieldbased co-teaching focused on specific pedagogies to full “teacher of record” in the final months of the full year residency. Residents are paid for working full-time in schools while completing required coursework. The coursework remaining for the residency year complements their work with Mentor Teachers and is accomplished in tandem with their classroom experiences.
The residency track option is designed for qualified candidates who are selected by faculty from their demonstrated competence in their Master’s degree programs. In year one, faculty and candidates assess suitability for the full residency track experience in year two.
A resident is purposefully paired with a highly qualified educator in 1 of the 24 participating local districts (includes BOCES). Supervisors participate in the teacher resident selection and matching process. Upon applying, candidates list their top 5 choices and ability to access the distant rural sites. Placements are dependent on district need and available mentors. School partners are assessed for their inclusive settings where students with disabilities, ELLs, and racially and ethnically diverse students are represented. Mentors are carefully selected for their certification area and experience.
Residents are directly paid $22,500 for working full-time and are reimbursed up to $3,750 per semester. To receive tuition reimbursement, Residents submit (1) original tuition bill, (2) proof of payment, and (3) proof (e.g. transcript, grade report) of successful completion of semester to Erie 1 BOCES in January and May/June.
As with all field experiences, Residents are supported by the Buffalo State supervisor, who is our liaison to the mentor teacher and district. Buffalo State supervisors work with Residents to support their success and advance their professional learning. Supervisors review and provide feedback on academic work, make formal observations, assist the resident to follow the necessary gradual release timeline, and work with the mentor teacher on the teacher performance assessment.
Unlike the traditional field experience hours and student teaching across multiple schools and districts in limited time blocks (usually 8 weeks each), a residency model allows the candidate to devote the entire final year of Master’s study to a single placement in a single district. Similar to a full-time subbing assignment, candidates foster lasting relationships with their students and learn from a skilled mentor who observes and co-teaches with them daily. Pending excellence in performance, residency candidates have a distinct advantage in being considered for full time employment in the residency district. Candidates are not obligated to accept employment in the residency district. Residency experiences in one district can translate into priority consideration in other districts because the resident will provide evidence of sustained professional experience.
In alignment with practices articulated in the Student Teaching Handbook, candidates who request the termination of their employment with a district or whose districts ask that the candidate be removed from a placement will be considered for a non-residency placement to complete degree requirements. Further arrangements for traditional course completion are dependent on the candidate’s satisfactory performance record and presenting circumstances.
Contact Us

For More Information
David Henry
(716) 878-5916